Community awareness

Raising community awareness of emerging biosecurity risks is useful in early detection, rapid response to incursions and preventing the accidental introduction of new threats.

What can the wider community do to improve biosecurity? Plenty. Communities can help local environment and agriculture officers in a number of ways.

Find out ways to help prevent invasive ants arriving and spreading and ways to help manage invasive ants

We also have a series of templates for posters and factsheets, leaflets and presentations from various sources that you can build an awareness programme from.

The IUCN Guidelines for invasive species planning and management on islands provide an excellent "How to" section on engaging and building the support of the community for management programs (pg. 14), including the support of those who are initially against the management plan.

Tokelau residents assist EDNRE Environment Officers with yellow crazy ant management in Atafu (©Warren Butcher, Pacific Biosecurity)