PestNet, ALIENS-L and Antpest-cop are currently the best resources to use to get in touch directly with a range of experts that can provide advice on everything from identifications to management of pests and invasive species. Anyone can use these services. Although IBIS is free to anyone, it is more useful for biosecurity /quarantine staff.
PestNet is an email network that helps people worldwide obtain rapid advice and information on crop protection. Topics include pest identifications from digital images, pest outbreak alerts, pest management (biological, cultural, and chemical), and quarantine interceptions. Subscribe to PestNet to ask questions.
PestNet also has a comprehensive range of resources for managing pests. You can browse PestNet for factsheets and other information. These factsheets are particularly useful to find out how to deal with mutualists of ants, such as mealybugs.
ALIENS-L is the mailing list of the Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. The ISSG aims to "reduce the threats posed by invasive species to natural ecosystems and their native species, through increasing awareness of invasive species and means of controlling or eradicating them". ALIENS-L allows users to freely seek and share information on invasive species and the threats which they pose to the biodiversity of our planet. Subscribe to the list to ask questions. Historical discussions are not kept on ALIENS-L.
The difference between the two is that PestNet is primarily focused on crop pests and diseases and ALIENS-L is primarily focused on invasive species (that might affect crops also). But the two complement each other well and many people working on pests and invasive species belong to both groups.
Antpest-cop is a mailing list for people who work with invasive and pest ants. Contact Kathy Flanders if you are interested in joining. The group uses to share information, and they have a great deal of useful information on red imported fire ants.
For biosecurity / quarantine officers and CROP agency staff
IBIS is the International Biosecurity Intelligence System.