Tropical fire ant case study
Location: Kakadu National Park, Australia
Justification: Containment, conservation
Goal: Eradication
Size: 3 ha
Products: One application of Amdro (hydramethylnon 9 g/kg; 2.5 kg/ha) was broadcast first by hand, then later using hand spreaders in the infested area (with a 5 m buffer zone).
Some nests persisted even after 10 or more applications of hydramethylnon, these were drenched with a 1000 ppm solution of Nucidol Dog Wash (100 ml diazinon:20 L water)
Time of year: As hydramethylnon is soluble in water, treatment was done when conditions were dry. Infestations outside the township were done in October/November prior to wet season rains. Infestations within the township were done in April at the beginning of the dry season.
Outcome: Eradication achieved
Programme cost: approximately 4000 AUD
Manager: Ben Hoffmann (, CSIRO
Information source
Further information was provided by Ben Hoffmann, CSIRO Land and Water Flagship
Hoffmann, O’Connor. 2004. Eradication of two exotic ants from Kakadu National Park. Ecological Management & Restoration 5(2): 98-105
content reviewed by Ben Hoffmann, CSIRO Australia, January 2017